Did we ever explain this blog? We started this so we could continue our window shopping on Craigslist without actually having to buy anything. The buying of things on CL was getting out of hand and we realized the finding of things was more important than the owning of things. We just love finding great stuff for good prices, or just great stuff period. It's like voyeurism...we see what people have been hiding in their homes and attics all these years and sometimes it's really something great that we know someone else would love. If you're like us, we could use some more contributing bloggers from other cities (what happened to the San Diego crew???), so send me an email via my contact page describing your CL addiction and we'll get you started.
Calling all Craiglist Addicts! We need you.
Posted by
on Friday, February 19, 2010
craigslist addiction,
new authors
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